Tag Archives: VSSE

One Year Ago — Brussels, Den of Spies [The European Capital is a playground for spies]

“Belgium may seem an unlikely destination for a Chinese agent. In fact, it’s a den of spies, according to domestic intelligence agency State Security (VSSE). It says the number of operatives is at least as high as during the Cold … Continue reading

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Brussels, Den of Spies — The European Capital is a playground for spies [UPDATE : British ex-Diplomat and Former MI-6 accused of Espionage for China]

“Brussels has now overtaken Vienna when it comes to the density of so-called intelligence services from outside the EU.” Peter Gridling — Head of Austria’s domestic intelligence agency (June 2018) “Belgium may seem an unlikely destination for a Chinese agent. In … Continue reading

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Brussels, Den of Spies — The European Capital is a playground for spies [UPDATE : Malta’s embassy used as a “Chinese spy tower” to eavesdrop on EU institutions]

“Brussels has now overtaken Vienna when it comes to the density of so-called intelligence services from outside the EU.” Peter Gridling — Head of Austria’s domestic intelligence agency (June 2018) “Belgium may seem an unlikely destination for a Chinese agent. In … Continue reading

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Den of Spies — Belgium Counterintelligence Chief Accused of Spying for Russia [UPDATE]

“If Clement Vandenborre is proved to have worked for Russia, it would be the biggest spy scandal since Herman Simm, an Estonian defence ministry official, was convicted of Russian espionage in Tallinn in 2009.” Andrew Rettman — EU Observer (February 15 … Continue reading

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Belgium — Intel Oversight Committee Annual Report Released

“Since the exception [special methods] is nowadays used so often, it is no longer exceptional.” Belgium — Intel Oversight Committee Annual Report (December 2019) “Brussels has now overtaken Vienna when it comes to the density of so-called intelligence services from outside … Continue reading

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Brussels, Den of Spies — The European Capital is a playground for spies

“Brussels has now overtaken Vienna when it comes to the density of so-called intelligence services from outside the EU.” Peter Gridling — Head of Austria’s domestic intelligence agency (June 2018) “Belgium may seem an unlikely destination for a Chinese agent. In … Continue reading

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Belgium Top Spook : “Not my Job to Monitor Foreign Spies!”

“Brussels has now overtaken Vienna when it comes to the density of so-called intelligence services from outside the EU.” Peter Gridling — Head of Austria’s domestic intelligence agency (June 2018) Jaak Raes — the head of the Belgian State Security Service … Continue reading

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Two Years Ago — Belgium : State Security Service officers not allowed to carry weapons…because of a legal glitch

“One of the oldest domestic intelligence agencies in continuous existence is Belgium’s civil security service, the Veiligheid van de Staat or Surêté de l’Etat (VSSE).” Kenneth L. Lasoen March 9 2017 — Because of a legal mistake, the officers of … Continue reading

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City of Spies — Hellish Week for Belgian Spooks

“Is Belgian military intelligence up to the job? There is talk of ‘different cultures”‘and civilian and military staff struggling to work together.  Meanwhile efforts are being made to implement a major reform plan that should put an end to the … Continue reading

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Belgium — Chinese Espionage Is Clear and Present Danger [UPDATE : Huawei under Investigation]

“Unlike the Cold War, it’s about who is going to be the global leader – first with the biggest economy, and out of that will come political influence. But then secondarily – who is the most innovative economy and creating … Continue reading

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