Tag Archives: NYT

Two Years Ago — New York Times Journalist Lying Through His Teeth about 5G [UPDATE : Biophysicist Yuri Grigoriev dies at 95]

“The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled ‘A Dangerous Experiment on Humanity,’ in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. … Continue reading

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One Year Ago — New York Times Journalist Lying Through His Teeth [5G]

“The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled ‘A Dangerous Experiment on Humanity,’ in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. … Continue reading

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On This Day — New York Times Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws (May 21 2012)

“The enigmatic Mr Megrahi had been the central figure of the [Lockerbie] case for decades, reviled as a terrorist but defended by many Libyans, and even some world leaders, as a victim of injustice whose trial, 12 years after the … Continue reading

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5G — NYT Journalist Lying Through His Teeth

“The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled ‘A Dangerous Experiment on Humanity,’ in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. … Continue reading

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One Year Ago — Should You Trust The New York Times and Its Anonymous Sources? [Lockerbie]

“The evidence of a possible Libyan link, first reported publicly this week by the French newsmagazine L’Express, was confirmed and detailed by American officials involved in the investigation of the Pan Am bombing.” MICHAEL WINES — The New York Times … Continue reading

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Two Years Ago — Chelsea Manning Sentence Commuted. No Presidential Pardon for Ex-CIA Jeffrey Sterling

“At the same time that Mr. Obama commuted the sentence of Ms. Manning, a low-ranking enlisted soldier at the time of her leaks, he also pardoned James E. Cartwright, the retired Marine general and former vice chairman of the Joint … Continue reading

Posted in CIA, James Risen, Jeffrey Sterling, NYT, Obama, Snowden | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lockerbie 30th Anniversary — Should You Trust The New York Times?

“The evidence of a possible Libyan link, first reported publicly this week by the French newsmagazine L’Express, was confirmed and detailed by American officials involved in the investigation of the Pan Am bombing.” MICHAEL WINES — The New York Times … Continue reading

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One Year Ago — CIA : Lulu got fired… Would rather play than sniff bombs

“Sometimes, even after testing, our pups make it clear being an explosive detection K9 isn’t for them.” CIA — Twitter (October 2017) October 23 2017 — Lulu got fired from the CIA because she would rather play than sniff bombs. Nevertheless, … Continue reading

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Two Years Ago — Former CIA John Kiriakou Explains The Jeffrey Sterling Case (VIDEO)

“Just like the CIA primary mission is to protect the Agency, the New York Time primary mission is to protect the Time. And so when this hit the fan — so to speak — Jeffrey was on his own.” Former CIA … Continue reading

Posted in CIA, James Risen, Jeffrey Sterling, NYT, Operation 'MERLIN' | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

THIS DAY IN HISTORY — “NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws” (May 21 2012)

“The enigmatic Mr Megrahi had been the central figure of the [lockerbie] case for decades, reviled as a terrorist but defended by many Libyans, and even some world leaders, as a victim of injustice whose trial, 12 years after the … Continue reading

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