Tag Archives: John McLaughlin

On This Day — Former CIA Boss John McLaughlin : “So, that’s it.” (September 11 2001) [2020]

“I typed a single sentence, a memo to myself: Nothing will ever be the same.” John McLaughlin — Former CIA Deputy Director & Acting Director (2000 to 2004) September 11 2020 — “The hijacked planes hit the twin towers at … Continue reading

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On This Day — Former CIA Boss John McLaughlin : “So, that’s it.” (September 11 2001) [2019]

“I typed a single sentence, a memo to myself: Nothing will ever be the same.” John McLaughlin — Former CIA Deputy Director & Acting Director (2000 to 2004) “The hijacked planes hit the twin towers at 8:46 and 9:03 a.m. … Continue reading

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Two Years Ago — CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou Responds To President Trump

“This is not something you can do without legal support, congressional support and public support, and that support does not exist.” John McLaughlin — Deputy CIA Director “Torture is the weapon of the bully, the coward and the fool, and … Continue reading

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On This Day — Former CIA Boss John McLaughlin : “So, that’s it.” (September 11 2001)

“I typed a single sentence, a memo to myself: Nothing will ever be the same.” John McLaughlin — Former CIA Deputy Director & Acting Director (2000 to 2004) “The hijacked planes hit the twin towers at 8:46 and 9:03 a.m. … Continue reading

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One Year Ago — CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou Responds To President Trump

“This is not something you can do without legal support, congressional support and public support, and that support does not exist.” John McLaughlin — Deputy CIA Director January 28 2017 — On Wednesday (25 January 2017), it was revealed  that the … Continue reading

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9/11 — Former CIA Boss John McLaughlin: “So, that’s it.” [The State of Intelligence Today]

“I typed a single sentence, a memo to myself: Nothing will ever be the same.” John McLaughlin — Former CIA Deputy Director & Acting Director (2000 to 2004) “The hijacked planes hit the twin towers at 8:46 and 9:03 a.m. … Continue reading

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Kushner ‘discussed secret line to Moscow’  — CIA Director John McLaughlin on Kushner — Was the Manchester suicide bomber trained by the CIA? — Estonia expels two Russian diplomats

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Microwave Spying — How does it work anyway?

“Theremin did some of his best scientific work while imprisoned by one of the most repressive regimes of the 20th century. This brilliant scientist crossed path with the CIA more than once — to our detriment.” Benjamin R. Fisher — … Continue reading

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CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou Responds To President Trump

“This is not something you can do without legal support, congressional support and public support, and that support does not exist.” John McLaughlin Deputy CIA director when the ‘Black Sites’ program was established On Wednesday (25 January 2017), it was revealed … Continue reading

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9/11 — Former CIA Boss John McLaughlin: “So, that’s it.”

“I typed a single sentence, a memo to myself: Nothing will ever be the same.” John McLaughlin — Former CIA Deputy Director & Acting Director (2000 to 2004) “The hijacked planes hit the twin towers at 8:46 and 9:03 a.m. … Continue reading

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