Tag Archives: Anna Politkovskaya

15 Years Ago — The Murder of Anna Politkovskaya (October 7 2006)

“She was brave, she was bold, and she was beautiful. In her fearless quest to uncover the wrongdoings of the Russian State, Anna Politkovskaya inspired awe in some and fear in countless others. Hers was a lonely voice, yet loud … Continue reading

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On This Day — The Murder of Anna Politkovskaya (October 7 2006) [2020]

“She was brave, she was bold, and she was beautiful. In her fearless quest to uncover the wrongdoings of the Russian State, Anna Politkovskaya inspired awe in some and fear in countless others. Hers was a lonely voice, yet loud … Continue reading

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On This Day — The Murder of Anna Politkovskaya (October 7 2006) [2019]

“Anna Politkovskaya paid the ultimate price for her bravery in investigating and reporting on human rights violations. Achieving justice and establishing the truth about her murder must become a top political priority. This is owed first and foremost to her … Continue reading

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On This Day — The Murder of Anna Politkovskaya (October 7 2006)

“Who killed Anna and who lay beyond her killer remains unknown. Her murder robbed too many of us of absolutely vital sources of information and contact. Yet it may, ultimately, be seen to have at least helped prepare the way … Continue reading

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ECHR — Russia Failed to Investigate Anna Politkovskaya Murder

“Who killed Anna and who lay beyond her killer remains unknown. Her murder robbed too many of us of absolutely vital sources of information and contact. Yet it may, ultimately, be seen to have at least helped prepare the way … Continue reading

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This Day in History — October 7 2006 : The Murder of Anna Politkovskaya

“Who killed Anna and who lay beyond her killer remains unknown. Her murder robbed too many of us of absolutely vital sources of information and contact. Yet it may, ultimately, be seen to have at least helped prepare the way … Continue reading

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