Havana Syndrome — New Evidence Links Russia to Mysterious Attacks

“This is not a new topic. For many years, the so-called Havana syndrome has been exaggerated in the press. And from the very beginning it was linked to Russia.”

Dmitry Peskov
Kremlin press official
(April 2024)

April 2, 2024 — New ‘evidence’ uncovered in the joint report by the Insider, Der Spiegel and CBS’s 60 Minutes suggests that non-lethal weaponry created and employed by Unit 29155 of the Russian GRU is probably the cause of Havana syndrome. Follow us on Twitter: @INTEL_TODAY

RELATED POST: On This Day — And thus a new syndrome was born… [Havana Syndrome – October 3 2017]

RELATED POST : On This Day — The Genesis of the Havana Syndrome (July 27 2016)

RELATED POST : Poetry — The Haiku Master, the Cicadas and the CIA (Havana Syndrome : Was the CIA incompetent or malicious?) [UPDATE — A Clue from Biden’s Laptop]

“One is reminded of Montaigne’s acerbic comment: ‘Men under stress are fools, and fool themselves.’ ”

Michael Crichton
The Andromeda Strain

For the record — The expression “Havana Syndrome” was coined by Dr. Ludwig De Braeckeleer and appeared for the first time in a story published by the Intel Today blog on October 3 2017. Why would Wikipedia dispute such a simple fact?

According to the joint report:

“Members of the Kremlin’s infamous military intelligence sabotage squad have been placed at the scene of suspected attacks on overseas US government personnel and their family members, leading victims to question what Washington knows,” the report states.

“Havana syndrome shows all the markings of a Russian hybrid warfare operation. If it is established that the Kremlin really is behind the attacks … such a sustained, decade-long campaign would easily count as one of Vladimir Putin’s greatest strategic victories against the US.”

The office of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence referred inquiries by 60 Minutes journalists to the intelligence community’s annual threat assessment commentary on AHIs.

RELATED POST : ODNI — ANNUAL THREAT ASSESSMENT 2024 [People with ‘Havana Syndrome’ Show No Brain Damage or Medical Illness]

The Kremlin has dismissed as “baseless” the link between these attacks and its military intelligence operations.

Still, one piece of information caught my attention. (And of course, neither the BBC nor The Guardian have reported this crucial information.)

“Contrary to the information that has been made public about Havana Syndrome — that it began in the eponymous Cuban capital in 2016 — there were likely attacks two years earlier in Frankfurt, Germany, when a U.S. government employee stationed at the consulate there was knocked unconscious by something akin to a strong energy beam. The victim was later diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, and was also able to identify a Geneva-based Unit 29155 operative. (The incident occurred within months of Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine.)”

In December 2021, I wrote [Brussels, Den of Spies — Why are there no reported cases of Havana Syndrome in Brussels? Update : Learning From What You Don’t Observe]:

“I began to investigate microwave espionage activities in Brussels during the early months of 2014, more than two years before the first “Havana Syndrome” cases were reported in Cuba. I immediately recommended a 24/7 monitoring of the microwave spectrum. The project was funded but cancelled, without explanations, just when it was about to begin. Last month, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the State Department has deployed microwave monitoring devices to U.S. missions around the world. Seven critical years have been lost. Some folks in the Brussels government have some questions to answer…”

Intel Today does not believe that Russia is behind the mysterious ‘Havana Syndrome’ attacks. But I do believe that the story began years earlier, probably in 2014. [Quite possibly, this is a consequence of Snowden’s documents regarding numerous global surveillance programs, including a joint US-UK program of microwave espionage. If true, it would easily explain why the CIA and the NSA don’t want to speak about this subject.]

RELATED POST : Havana Syndrome — What Are the Frequencies Used by US Intel for Microwave Spying? [UPDATE : Snowden doc reveals joint NSA/GCHQ project and corroborates Intel Today’s Analysis]

The Havana Syndrome saga is a sophisticated hoax that was initiated during Trump’s presidential campaign and ended with his presidency. The events that really occurred in 2014 probably served as a true basis to build up the hoax.

Cui bono? What was the purpose of this disinformation campaign? To whom did it benefit? Ask yourself a simple question:

Who had Motive (a reason to commit the crime), Means (the ability and tools necessary to commit the crime), and Opportunity (adequate chances to commit the crime)?

As soon as I heard yesterday that Havana Syndrome was back in the news, I knew that Trump must be doing well in the polls…

There is no doubt in my mind that the same people who created the ‘Havana Syndrome’ hoax have resurrected the story because they fear that Trump might win the upcoming election.

John Bolton, who served as Donald Trump’s national security adviser, said the new allegations are “very concerning”.

“I don’t think the government, frankly, when I was there, took it seriously, enough,” he told CNN. “I don’t think they’ve taken it seriously enough since then.”

This is quite a extraordinary comment from a person who admitted that he had misinformed the US President about the Havana Syndrome events.

Republican Senator JD Vance rubbished the report, writing on X: “Feels like a lot of journalists have lost their minds”.

Senator Vance is wrong. These journalists know exactly what they are doing.

“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years and I was educated to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public. The truth will come out one day, the truth won’t die.”

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte
Journalist and Whistleblower

60 Minutes — Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious brain injuries


Unraveling Havana Syndrome: New evidence links the GRU’s assassination Unit 29155 to mysterious attacks on U.S. officials and their families — The Insider (April 1, 2024)

‘Havana syndrome’ linked to Russian unit, media investigation suggests — The Guardian


Havana Syndrome — New Evidence Links Russia to Mysterious Attacks

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer
January 4, 2017

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