Tag Archives: International law

Two Years Ago — International Law and Cyber Warfare. From the Tallinn Manual to a Digital Geneva Convention?

“Moscow’s hacking and dumping of Democratic emails to WikiLeaks is not an initiation of armed conflict. It’s not a violation of the U.N. Charter’s prohibition on the use of force. It’s not a situation that would allow the U.S. to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Two Years Ago — Former MI6 Chief: “Electronic Voting Presents Serious Hacking Risk.”

“Bizarrely the stubby pencil and piece of paper that you put your cross on in the ballot box is actually much more secure than anything which is electronic.” Former MI6 Chief Sir John Sawers “We need to return to election … Continue reading

Posted in Alex Younger, Hacking, MI6, Obama, Putin, Sir John Sawers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

International Law — Acts of War in Cyberspace (2018)

“One of the big problems we face with cyber is that it hasn’t really been discussed internationally about what is the acceptable use of cyber-powers, where the red lines are and what happens when those red lines are crossed.” Sir … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

One Year Ago — Acts of War in Cyberspace

“One of the big problems we face with cyber is that it hasn’t really been discussed internationally about what is the acceptable use of cyber-powers, where the red lines are and what happens when those red lines are crossed.” Sir … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

One Year Ago — International Law and Cyber Warfare. From the Tallinn Manual to a Digital Geneva Convention?

“Moscow’s hacking and dumping of Democratic emails to WikiLeaks is not an initiation of armed conflict. It’s not a violation of the U.N. Charter’s prohibition on the use of force. It’s not a situation that would allow the U.S. to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Acts of War in Cyberspace — 2017

“One of the big problems we face with cyber is that it hasn’t really been discussed internationally about what is the acceptable use of cyber-powers, where the red lines are and what happens when those red lines are crossed.” Sir … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Acts of War in Cyberspace

“One of the big problems we face with cyber is that it hasn’t really been discussed internationally about what is the acceptable use of cyber-powers, where the red lines are and what happens when those red lines are crossed.” Sir … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

International Law and Cyber Warfare. From the Tallinn Manual to a Digital Geneva Convention?

“Moscow’s hacking and dumping of Democratic emails to WikiLeaks is not an initiation of armed conflict. It’s not a violation of the U.N. Charter’s prohibition on the use of force. It’s not a situation that would allow the U.S. to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Warfare, DNC & Podesta Leaks, International law, Obama, Russia, Tallin Manual, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Former MI6 Chief: ‘ Electronic voting presents serious hacking risk.’

“Bizarrely the stubby pencil and piece of paper that you put your cross on in the ballot box is actually much more secure than anything which is electronic.” Former MI6 Chief Sir John Sawers Sir John Sawers, former chief of … Continue reading

Posted in Alex Younger, Hacking, MI6, Obama, Putin, Sir John Sawers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment