Tag Archives: Auschwitz

On This Day — Soviets Liberate Auschwitz (January 27 1945) [Poll : Who do you think played the most important role in defeating the Nazis?]

“I had an uncle … who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps.” Barack Obama (May 26 2008) January 27 2024 — On January 27 1945, Soviet troops enter Auschwitz, Poland, … Continue reading

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On This Day — Soviets Liberate Auschwitz (January 27 1945) [International Holocaust Remembrance Day]

“I had an uncle … who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps.” Barack Obama (May 26 2008) January 27 2023 — On January 27 1945, Soviet troops enter Auschwitz, Poland, … Continue reading

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On This Day — Soviets Liberate Auschwitz (January 27 1945) [International Holocaust Remembrance Day]

“I had an uncle … who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps.” Barack Obama (May 26 2008) January 27 2022 — On January 27 1945, Soviet troops enter Auschwitz, Poland, … Continue reading

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On This Day — Soviets Liberate Auschwitz (January 27 1945)

“I had an uncle … who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps.” Barack Obama (May 26 2008) January 27 2021 — On January 27 1945, Soviet troops enter Auschwitz, Poland, … Continue reading

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75 Years Ago — Soviets Liberate Auschwitz (January 27 1945)

“Here I am in this place that commemorates World War II veterans, and here I am the daughter of survivors from the Holocaust, the most horrendous thing that happened. And here I am in the place that commemorates the American … Continue reading

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On This Day — Soviets Liberate Auschwitz (January 27 1945)

“Here I am in this place that commemorates World War II veterans, and here I am the daughter of survivors from the Holocaust, the most horrendous thing that happened. And here I am in the place that commemorates the American … Continue reading

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